Well here we are, another Acoustic Jam has passed and gone. This time we managed to accommodate 10 acts who turned up and signed up to play. Thank you so much for coming along. In addition to that we had fine sets from Tabh, Wolf and False Opus, and we put in our contribution (Soft Touch) with skillful bass playing from I'joo and restrained but neat drumming from Mokhtar.

Tabh's melodic sweet songs and ragaish filigree guitar rhythms were delightful.

False Opus
False Opus satisfied with their
sophisticated pop pieces.

Wolf's amusing personality and his inimitable songs and audience participatory numbers like the one about all the dead rock heros put everyone in jubilant mood.











Thanks so much to all of you. Again, due to technical reasons we failed to record a great deal of the show. One day...

Some of the "floor" artists were of exceptional quality - Mojo Pin, Tempered Mental (with a singing lady bass-player), Strangedays and Reza - who is a seasoned performer at Acoustic Jam, now about to begin studying in Melbourne - I'm sure the Austalians there will be pleased and he'll find plenty of places to perform.

After nearly four hours of music (the audience sure got their money's worth at RM10 - but thanks for being patient while the different acts were setting up) I (PH) was becoming somewhat tired and rather slovenly with the soundman's chores - sorry about that, those unscheduled noises. We are looking for more volunteers to handle the sound and generally to help with this and that. Thanks to Nina who manned (or rather womaned) the door very patiently. Altogether about 100 people came of which 35 performed, so I hope all of those collected their RM10 back. If you didn't let us know. After all expenses were taken off - hire of function room, sound system, publicity, door-lady and drums, there was just about RM200 over - that means RM50 for each main act and RM50 for us (Soft Touch).

Rashid & Azeem
Rashid & Azeem

One or two points: firstly if you come for the Open Mic it's nice to support other artists, rather than just turn up, play your two songs and go. Secondly if you are a drummer with a band and are used to performing with full amplification, it is sometimes difficult to get used to the low instrumental volume of the guitars in the acoustic setting, and to adjust the volume of your drumming. The room is quite small and if we turn up the volume too much everyone will be deafened.

The next - and probably the final Acoustic Jam of this season - is on March 16th, with Karen Nunis Blackstone (back again from Japan with her husband on the blues harp), Nitrus (hopefully) and singer-songwriter Seihon. At the usual venue - Commonwealth Club, and usual time - 8.30 (performers come about 8.00 and sign on the list).

Meanwhile on March 9th there is an Electric gig (!) at Blue Planet, Jalan P.Ramlee featuring Seven Collar T-Shirt, Naked Breed, Cashmere, Samarkand, Private Whizz and Soft Touch, starting promptly at 8.00 pm (until 11.00). admission RM15 including first drink.

One more thing: several leads have been left behind a while back and if they are not claimed by next acoustic jam, they will probably be auctioned for charity. Anyone who has any albums (their own or other artists) they would like to contribute for a charity auction please get in touch: 255 3045 or 0193688130.
(please, no Christmas records or classical music)

Markiza & Hassan Peter Brown